Welcome to Concordia Lutheran Church


Ministerio Nueva Creación


You are welcome here! 

We are dedicated to offering meaningful worship and uplifting music, fostering connections with our neighbors, and growing in the grace of Christ. Worship at Concordia takes place on Sundays at
10 a.m. in person.

Worship at Ministerio Nueva Creación is held on Sundays at 11:45 a.m. in the Garden Room of 
Concordia. You can also join the worship service through Facebook Live.

Concordia “Coffee Hour” is held after worship on Sunday mornings in Kaiser Hall.

Find ways to connect through these links:

Concordia’s Facebook Page

Ministerio Nueva Creación’s Facebook Page

Mission Partners:

Concordia Nursery School (Facebook)

Community Partners:

Cub Scout Pack 47

Tricia Andrulot, Cubmaster

David Smith, Charter Organization Representative and Acting Committee Chair

Boy Scout Troop 123

Larry Cedrone, Committee Chair

Ed Bouchie, Scoutmaster

Nichole Kycia, Scoutmaster